Friday, December 05, 2014

Fast Friday: Mindless Fun for Study Addled Brains

There comes a point in every study session where not a single new piece of information can be retained.

Honor your brain’s need for respite with a little mindless comedy from YOUR Alexandria campus library. We have even done the leg work for you, and mined our feature films collection for ludicrous comedy gold.

Like the book, improved with song and dance!

We have Absolutely Everything from Absolutely Fabulous. You will absolutely love it, darling.

Funny, and with just a wee smidgen of sadness

Overflowing with lively comedy

A mashup between a comedy of manners and slapstick: primstick? slapping of manners?

"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." So take a study break.

So come in, take a break, recharge, and then hit the books again after watching these movies available to you from YOUR Alexandria Campus Library. 

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