Thursday, November 01, 2012

Election Day: Get Out the Vote

November Sixth is Election Day -- so why not read up on the candidates, the process, the state of the nation, or the parties.  Or just have a party.  But be sure to read a good book.

And be sure to vote.

Alterman, Eric.  The cause: The Fight for American Liberalism from Franklin Roosevelt to Barack Obama.  JC574.2 U6 A43 2012
Berman, Ari.  Herding Donkeys: The Fight to Rebuild the Democratic Party and Reshape American  Politics.  JK2316 B47 2010
Carroll, Susan.  Gender and Elections.  HQ1236.5 U6 G444 2010
Clark, Tom.  The Age of Obama: The Changing Place of Minorities in British and American   Society.  E184 A1 C53 2010
D'Souza, Dinesh.  Obama's America: The Unmaking of the American Dream.  E908.3 D76 2012
Dionne, E.J.  Our Divided Political Heart.  E183 D56x 2012
Ferguson, Charles.  Predator Nation: Corporate Criminals, Political Corruption, and the Hijacking   of America.  HB3722 F458 2012
Formisso, Ronald.  The Tea Party: A Brief History.  JK2391 T43 F67 2012
Goldberg, Jonah.  The tyranny of Cliche's: How Liberals Cheat in the War of Ideas.  JC574.2 U6 G64 2012
Kabaservice, Geoffrey.  Rule ad Ruin: The Downfall of Moderation and the Destruction of the Republican Party from Eisenhower to the Tea Party.  JK2356 K33 2012
Killian, Linda.  The Swing Vote: The Untapped Power of Independents.  JK1967 K56 2012 
Maraniss, David.  Barack Obama: The Story.  E908 M368 2012
Niemi, Richard.  Controversies in Voting Behavior.  JF1001 C575 2011
Oppenheimer, Danny.  Democracy Despite Itself: Why a System That Shouldn't Work At All Works So Well.  JC423 O67 2012
Press, Bill.  The Obama Hate Machine: The Lies, Distortions, Personal Attacks on the President - And Who is Behind Them.  E908 P77 2012 
Ridout, Travis.  The Persuasive Power of Campaign Advertising.  JK2281 R54 2011
Romney, Mitt.  Turnaround.  GV842 2004 R66 2007
Ryan, Alan.  The Making of Modern Liberalism.  JC574 R93 2012
Samples, John.  The Struggle to Limit Government.  JC573.2 U6 S26 2010
Schneider, Gregory.  Conservatism in America since 1930.  JC573.2 U6 C655 2003
Suskind, Ron.  Confidence Men: Wall Street, Washington, and the Education of a President.              E 908.3 S87 2011
Traugott, Michael. The Voter's Guide to Election Polls. HN90 P8 T73 2008

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