Thursday, September 15, 2011

In support of libraries, books, words, ideas

An altered book artist and library fan has been making anonymous donations of his artwork to libraries in Edinburgh.

So far six exquisitely detailed artworks, crafted from books, have been left anonymously on tables in 6 libraries (including the National Library of Scotland and the Central Lending Library) and two more at the Edinburgh Book festival.

A book lover, the artist leaves a tag (addressed to the recipient's Twitter address!) with each book, many of which read in part "in support of libraries, books, words & ideas..."

Many of the recipient institutions have put the donated artwork on permanent display.

Always ahead of the curve, the Alexandria Campus Library has a long relationship with altered books! In 2007 the Library hosted its first ever art show "Text, Image & Form" showcasing student artwork created from altered books (some of them former Library books!).

And earlier this year the Library hosted the "Altered (Eaarth) Book Exhibit" showcasing student work inspired by bill Mckibben's book Eaarth.

And like our colleagues in Scotland, we liked the works so much we put some on permanent display:

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