...or where are all the new books?
According to NOVA president Robert Templin, Library purchases have been cut by over $200,000 in 2008-09. What this means for Your campus Library is a significant reduction in the number of new monograph books the Library will be able to acquire this semester.
The Library continues its commitment to online resources, including full-text newspaper, magazine and journal articles, as well as fine art images, selected reference books, and full-text Information Technology Titles (see
library databases to access these online resources in such databases as
ProQuest, JSTOR, ArtStor, Gale Virtual Reference Library, Oxford Reference Online, and
Safari Books). Online resources are available from every campus computer and also accessible from home (off-campus users will need NovaConnect user name and password to access online library resources).
The Library will continue to receive a very small number of new print titles (books) as well as print periodicals (magazines and journals).
Of course, the Library continues to provide computer access, Library and Research instruction rto individuals and classes, printing and photocopying services, course Reserves, group study facilities, Popular Reading and Feature Films (DVD and VHS), VCR & DVD viewing, quiet study, and wireless internet access.
1 comment:
Hi friends
Alexandria is one of the most preferable places for me. I have been to Alex last summer, but i have not been able to visit the liberary and i am planning to visit it next summer. I am interested in history and i red many articles about the history of Alex and its constructor. To know more information about the old liberary of Alex you can visit
OLd Alex Liberary
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