The Alexandria Campus is replacing the air-conditioning system in Bisdorf Phase I (the wing of the Bisdorf Building in which the Library is located).
This work includes asbestos abatement as well as mechanical work and valve replacement. For everyone's safety and wellbeing, the air-conditioning (including all ventilation & blowers) must be switched off.
This occurred at the end of spring break. The result: it has become very warm in the Library very quickly.
(why does this happen? There are no windows that open in the Library and no doors to the outside, so directing outside air in is almost impossible. Also computers, photocopy machines and printers all give off heat. Bodies give off heat. And the Library has two two-storey walls of windows, which give us a beautiful view and lots of light but also creates a greenhouse effect, especially when it's sunny outside).
Large pedestal fans have been brought into the Library to help move the air and keep the temperature down. These fans are noisy, but they definitely help!
Also please be aware that many computer labs and computer classrooms had to be closed for the duration of the work. This will affect computer availability on campus. While Library computers continue to be available, you may experience some waiting time to access one.