Librarian Anne Anderson and Library Specialist Brandee Worsham collaborated to create the online tour in January 2008. Apparently the launch of the tour on this very blog in February attracted international attention.
The article, which can be read in original Hungarian here, was written by is László Csobán, a student of library and information science. Laszlo points to the Alexandria library website as an example how great it is that the two librarians (Anderson and Worsham) are showing people how to use the Library through pictures and verbal instructions, available online. He goes on to commend this form of online education as a model. The article goes on to suggest that readers would benefit from clicking on the tour and watching for themselves, rather than rely on any lengthy description from him.
One comment left on the article suggested that tours like these would be useful not just for library patrons but for some library staff as well (!), as in the commenter's experience some library staff are not aware of their own library's holdings through lack of good communication.
(everyone in the Alexandria Campus Library has viewed the tour!).
Naturally, Library staff wondered how Mr. Csobán came across the tour. Never a doubt a Librarian's ability to reconstruct a search! After some furious googling in the Librarians' office, it became clear that Google Blog Search must have been the route of discovery. The article ran in FIKSZ K2 on February 7, the same day this blog featured the library tour.
The power of technology truly makes a smaller world!
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