Friday, April 06, 2007

Even more exceprts from the Suggestion Book Archives

3462. 3467. 3472. What happened to the Arabic magazine Al Majallah? I think it is a good idea to reserve it at the Circulation desk so no one can steal it from the Library.
We answered: Additional issues of Al Majallah have been received and will keep the current issue at the Circulation Desk.
[theft issues with Al Majallah seem to have been resolved by 2007, and the current issue is now available in the Periodicals area]

3457 & 3477. The Library should remove floppies and software that come in books to safeguard these essential new media.
[After investigating strategies for handling discs and CDs with books, the Library did remove media for many years and checked these items out separately to borrowers. Currently most media is left with the books and is available on the shelves – this reflects a shift in the perceived value and usefulness of software accompanying print material]

3486: (1997) NVCC Library should allow students to bring in bottled drinks.
3487. NO! No drinks in Library. Inevitably they are spilled on books/ computers that I as a taxpayer have to pay for. Go outside to graze!
We answered: You may bring bottled drinks into the Library, but you may not drink them… the second writer is correct, drinks and food are a threat to the health of Library materials and machines.
[Library books and machines are less fragile in 2007! In response to many requests like 3486, drinks and food are now allowed in the Library – and we’ve not noticed serious damage to state property from spills -- but please clean up after yourself!]

3494. Do Nova Students get free email accounts?
We Answered: At this time NVCC students are not given free email accounts. This should change soon.
[ All current and recent students receive FREE VCCS student email ]

3601. (October 1999) This school needs more photocopiers so all students can make copies at the same time so there won’t be a long line to copy whatever they need to copy.
[ouch! In 1999 Alexandria campus had 3 photocopiers. Subsequent college allocation decisions have resulted in a drop in number of copiers to TWO at Alexandria in 2007]

1 comment:

Dupa Jasia said...
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