Friday, March 30, 2012


Congratulations to Reference and Instruction Czarina and all around Super Librarian Anne Anderson on her 15-year anniversary at the College.

Congratulations, Anne!

Thursday, March 08, 2012

Did you know...

The top five landing pages on the NOVA webiste were:

1. NOVA home page
2. NOVA Connect
3. Library
4. Webmail
5. Employment

The top five most searched terms were:

1. Bookstore
2. Library
3. Parking
4. Testing Center
5. Nursing

If you are looking for the Library homepage, look no further than:

Monday, March 05, 2012

Spring Break!

Spring Break is here!

Spring Break hours are:

Monday, Tuesday Wednesday March 5 - 7: 8.30am -

Thursday, Friday March 8 & 9: CLOSED

Saturday March 10: CLOSED

(normal hours resume on March 12th. Enjoy the break!!)

Thursday, March 01, 2012

Student Art in the Library

Two new student artworks recently joined the library collection -- both 3D sculptures in black and white:

These dioramas may be viewed on the Upper Level in the study lounge near the newspapers.

Many thanks to the student artists who donated them!