The Alexandria Library collection of over 90,000 items is supplemented by access to materials at the other five NVCC campuses. We also subscribe to over 200 electronic databases, with access to thousands of online journals. There are over 296,000 items in the total college collection. Find Us. Find It. Find Out.
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Winter Break
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Saturday, December 08, 2012
Hot Classics
Bronte, Emily. Wuthering Heights PR4172.W7 2003
Buck, Pearl. The Good Earth PS3503.U198 G6 1999
Camus, Albert. The Stranger PQ2605.A3734 E813 1993
Cather, Willa. My Antonia PS3505.A87 M8 2006
Cervantes, Miguel. Don Quixote PQ6329 .A2 2003b
Crane, Stephen. The Red Badge of Courage PS1449.C85 R3 1990b
Dickens, Charles. A Tale of Two Cities PR4571.A2 S26 2008
Eliot, George. Silas Marner PR4670.A1 1966
Ellison, Ralph. Invisible Man PS3555.L625 I5 1995
Fitzgerald, F. Scott. The Great Gatsby PS3511.I9 G7 1991
Golding, William. Lord of the Flies PR6013.O35 L6 1999
Hardy, Thomas. Tess of the D’Urbervilles PR4748.A2 1994 CD
Hawthorne, Nathaniel. The Scarlet Letter PS1868.A2 1990
Heller, Joseph. Catch-22 PS3558.E476 C3 2011
Hemingway, Ernest. The Old Man and the Sea PS3515.E37 O4 2003
Hurtson, Zora Neal. Their Eyes Were Watching God PS3515.U789 T639 1990
Knowles, John. A Separate Peace PS3561.N68 S4 1975
Lee, Harper. To Kill a Mockingbird PS3562.E353 T66 1995
London, Jack. The Call of the Wild PS3523 O46 C3 2003 ESL
Maugham, W. Somerset. Of Human Bondage PR6025.A86 O4 x1936
Melville, Herman. Moby Dick PS2384.M6 1983
Mitchell, Margaret. Gone with the Wind PS3525.I972 G6 1999c
Morrison, Toni. Beloved PS3563.O8749 B4 1998
Orwell, George. Nineteen Eighty Four PE1126.N43 P47x 1998 vol. 4 v.2 pt.5 c.4 ESL
Paton, Alan. Cry, the Beloved Country PR9369.3.P37 C7 1995
Remarque, Erich Maria. All Quiet on the Western Front PT2635.E68 I613 1982
Salinger, J.D. The Catcher in the Rye PS3537.A426 C3 2001
Steinbeck, John. The Grapes of Wrath PS3537.T3234 G8 1992
Steinbeck, John. Of Mice and Men PS3537.T3234 O2 2002
Stowe, Harriet Beecher. Uncle Tom’s Cabin PS2954.U5 2002
Tolstoy, Leo. War and Peace PG3366.V6 1995
Twain, Mark. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn PS1305 .A1 2003b
Wright, Richard. Native Son PS3545.R815 N25 2005
Wednesday, December 05, 2012
Extended Hours in Full Swing
This year the Library partnered with the Student Government Association to host the SGA Exam Cram during which the SGA provided snacks, hosted study groups and brought tutors to help students prepare for finals.
(pictured: SGA volunteer Kevin Contreras)
Friday, November 30, 2012
Time to Hit the Books
We know you need to make every hour count, so for the last week of classes and the week of final exams the Library will once again offer EXTENDED HOURS. During this period the Library will open early and close late. Check the Library Website for complete list of hours for finals and intersession.
The Library will be open:
"Exam Cram" snacks will be provided in the evenings courtesy of the Student Government Association.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Cook up a Feast!
Anderson, Lynne Christy. Breaking bread: Recipes and stories from immigrant kitchens.
TX725.A1 A564 2010
Child, Julia. Mastering the art of French cooking. TX719.C454 2001
Donovan, Jane. Essentials: Chocolate. TX767.C5 C4816 1999
Grant, Rosamund. Caribbean and African cooking. TX716.A1 G74 1998
Hill, Tony. The Spice lover’s guide to herbs and spices. TX819.H4 H55 2004
Hoffman, Susanna. The Olive and the caper. TX723.5.G8 H64 2004
Jacob, Jeanne and Michael Ashkenazi. The World cookbook for students. TX725.A1 J23 2007
Jones, Wilbert. The New soul food cookbook: Healthier recipes for international favorites. TX715.J823 1996
McDonough, Kate. The City cook: Big city, small kitchen, limitless ingredients, no time: More than 90 recipes so delicious you’ll want to toss your takeout menus. TX714.M3824 2010
Roden, Claudia. The New book of Middle Eastern food. TX725.M628 R638 2000 c.2
Rombauer, Irma, Marion Rombauer Becker, and Ethan Becker. The Joy of cooking. TX715.R75 2006 c.2
Sen, Colleen Taylor. Food culture in India. TX724.5.I4 S38 2004 c. 2
Terry, Bryant. Vegan soul kitchen: Fresh, healthy, and creative African-American cuisine. TX837.T434 2009
Valladolid, Marcela. Mexican made easy. TX716.M4 V334 2011
Visson, Lynn. The Russian heritage cookbook: A Culinary tradition preserved in 360 authentic recipes. TX723.3.V55 2004
Wells, Patricia. Simply truffles: Recipes and stories that capture the essence of the black diamond.
TX804.5.W45 2011
Wells, Troth. Global vegetarian cooking: Quick and easy recipes from around the world.
TX837.W438 2010
Thursday, November 01, 2012
Election Day: Get Out the Vote
And be sure to vote.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Happy Halloween!
Caldwell, Sara. Splatter flicks: How to make low-budget horror films PN1995.9.H6 C35 2006
Davies, Owen. The Haunted: A Social history of ghosts. BF1472.G7 D38 2007
Dixon, Wheeler Winston. A History of horror. PN1995.9.H6 D59 2010
Guiley, Rosemary Ellen. Ghosts and haunted places. BF1461.G86 2008
Irving, Washington. The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. PS2067. A1x 1966 c.2
Kallen, Stuart A. Haunted houses. BF1475.K35 2008
Kudalis, Eric. Dracula and other vampire stories. PR6037.T617 D73x 1994 (ESL)
Lace, William W. Ghost hunters. BF1461.L155 2009
Marcovitz, Hal. Poltergeists. BF1483.M37 2009
Morton, Lisa. The Halloween encyclopedia. GT4965.M673 2011 c.2
Parks, Peggy J. Ghosts. BF1461.P37 2010
Parks, Peggy J. Witches. BF1566.P28 2008
Phillips, Kendall. Projected fears: Horror films and American culture. PN1995.9.H6 P44 2005 c.2
Poe, Edgar Allan. Complete stories and poems. PS2600.F66 c.2
Poe, Edgar Allan. Tales of mystery and imagination. PS2612.A1 1984
Rigby, Jonathan. American gothic: Sixty years of horror cinema. PR1995.9.H6 R54x 2007
Shelley, Mary. Frankenstein. PR5397.F7 2000b
Stewart, Gail B. Ghosts. BF1461.S855 2008
Stewart, Gail B. Hauntings. BF1461.S856 2009
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1913): plus long, long ago. AV PR5485.A1 2005c
Poltergeist. AV PN1997.P658474x 1999
The Raven. AV PS2609.A1 2009
Rear window. AV PN1997.R353 2001
The Shining. AV PS3561.I483 S5 2001
The Wolf man. AV PN1997.W5983 2009
Friday, October 05, 2012
Read the Chronicle from ANYWHERE
Tuesday, October 02, 2012
Is it art...?
Some library user left behind this gift in one of the Library's study carrels:
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Hot Outdoors
Adams, Scott Photographing Nature TR721.P48 1981
Adkins, Leonard The essential outdoor gear manual: equipment care, repair, and selection GV191.76.G48 2000
Badger, Robert The Complete climber's handbook GV200.2 C55 2000
Bell, Trudy The Complete hiker: Everything you need for a day or a month on the trail GV199.5.L648 2000
Branch, Michael Weekend getaways around Washington, D.C.: including Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, West Virginia, and North Carolina F192.3.S48 2000
Burnham, Bill One-day trips through history: 200 excursions within 150 miles of Washington, D.C. F192.3.S58 1982
Cinnamon, Jerry National Audubon Society guide to Nature Photography TR721.F58 2008
Cressey, Pamela Professional nature photography TR721.H53 1999
De Hart, Allen The Undying past of Shenandoah National Park F232.S48 L37 1989
Fitzharris, Tim A Cyclist's guide to the Shenandoah Valley: Exploring the past and present on rural routes GV1045.5.S54 P67 1995
Getchell, Annie Best bike rides: Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, Washington, D.C., West Virginia GV1045.5.M53 B45 2000
Hall, Adrienne The Shenandoah Valley and the mountains of the Virginias F232.S5 H28 2005
Hargan, Jim Geology along Skyline Drive: A self-guided tour for motorists QE174.S49 B33 1999
Hicks, Nigel Virginia, a picture book to remember her by F231.2.V57x 1987
Lambert, Darwin Hike America: Virginia: an atlas of Virginia's greatest hiking adventures GV199.42.V8 B87x 2001
Long, John Walk and bike the Alexandria Heritage Trail: A guide to exploring a Virginia town's hidden past GV199.42.V82 A33 2002
McCarthy, Jim The official rails-trails conservancy guidebook: Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, West Virginia GV191.42.M3 R35 2000
Noe, Barbara The trails of Virginia: Hiking the Old Dominion GV199.42.V8 D4 2003
Ockershausen, Jane 50 hikes in Northern Virginia: walks, hikes, and backpacks from the Allegheny Mountains to the Chesapeake Bay GV199.42.V82 A35 2006
Porter, Randy Backpacking GV199.6.H35 1998
Shosteck, Robert The height of our mountains: nature writing from Virginia's Blue Ridge Mountains and Shenandoah Valley QH104.5.B5 H45 1998
Time-Life Books, editor Greater Washington area bicycle atlas GV1045.5.W18 G74 1998
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Research Instruction
Faculty can arrange an appointment to bring a class to the library (or to have a librarian visit the classroom) and students can stop by the library on a walk-in basis for assistance finding, using and citing library resources.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Vampire Knights
Soul Eater
These and more are available now for checkout.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Jean's Farewell! Part 2
And of course we sereved Texas sheet cake (thanks Marion!), cupcakes, cheese, fruit and punch. As well as cookies especially for JEAN:
It was the first time the Library hosted a campus-wide party while open, and all agreed it was a huge success (especially the students who enjoyed the rest of the food!).
Farewell Jean! Part 1
We also had cookies and punch while Jean cleared out her desk:
She did leave her hard hat!
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
What Have We Been Up To This Summer?
One significant project was spending time with our book collection to remove old, worn out, obsolete or reduntant items. This is a project that all heavily-used, current and non-archival library collections must undertake about once per decade (although at the Alexandria Campus space concerns mean that some collection weeding is a year-round project).
(above is just a sample of items that have been removed from the collection this summer. Don't worry! This material is not thrown away: it is made available for free to NOVA students, faculty and staff for their personal use).
We also created some new learning and study spaces, most notably our new Legal Collection, now housed in the group study space behind the Reference Area. This brings together for the first time the circulating legal books (Library of Congress Call Number range K) and the Reference legal sets, which should make life much easier for our students doing legal research:
(above: the circulating legal collection. below: the reference legal collection)
Monday, August 13, 2012
Hot College!
preparation, study skills and financial aid:
Acing College. LB2343.32 H35 1991
Bound-for-College Guidebook. LB2343.32 B88 2009
College Knowledge. LB2343.3 D565x 2005
College Rules. LB2343.32 N57 2002
College Survival. LB2343.32 G68 2004
Community College Companion. LB2343.32 R684 2011
Comprehending Textbooks. LB2395.3 C66 1996
Debt Free U. LB2342 B52 2010
Digital Writing Workshop. LB1631 H494 2009
Financial Aid Financer. LB2338 F4445x 2010/11
How to Study and Other Skills for College Success. LB2395 M795 2003
How to Study in College. LB2395 P3 1997
How to Win at College. LB2343.3 N49 2005
Keys to Effective Learning. LB2395 C267 2011
Kick Ass in College. LB2343.3 F69x 2005
Living the College Life. LB2343.3 P38 2005
Major in Success. LB2343.32 C65 2003
Notetaking. DVD LB2343.32 A23x 2004
Note Taking Made Easy. LB2395.25 K47 2003
Painless Writing. LB1631 S882 2001
Paying for College without going Broke. LB2337.4 P744 2011
Practicing College Learning Strategies. LB2395 H66 2010
Reading Improvement. DVD LB2343.32 A23x 2004
Scholarship Handbook. LB2338 C597 2012
Strategic Learning. DVD LB2343.32 A23x 2004
Success in College. LB2343.32 B87 2006
Time Management. DVD LB2343.32 A23x 2004
Thursday, August 09, 2012
We've moved back!!
Check back here for updates about Library news, events, changes and exciting new stuff that happened over the summer!!
Wednesday, May 02, 2012
We've moved!!
Wednesday, April 04, 2012
The Return of the Daves

(the Two Daves, back row center)
Friday, March 30, 2012
Congratulations, Anne!
Thursday, March 08, 2012
Did you know...
1. NOVA home page
2. NOVA Connect
3. Library
4. Webmail
5. Employment
The top five most searched terms were:
1. Bookstore
2. Library
3. Parking
4. Testing Center
5. Nursing
If you are looking for the Library homepage, look no further than:
Monday, March 05, 2012
Spring Break!
Spring Break hours are:
Monday, Tuesday Wednesday March 5 - 7: 8.30am -
Thursday, Friday March 8 & 9: CLOSED
Saturday March 10: CLOSED
(normal hours resume on March 12th. Enjoy the break!!)
Thursday, March 01, 2012
Student Art in the Library

Many thanks to the student artists who donated them!
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Valentine's Day

Don't miss the chocolates at the Circulation Desk!
Thursday, February 02, 2012
Super Bowl - Super Books
Read up on the big game with these titles:
America's Game: The Epic Story of How Pro Football Captured a Nation. GV954 M32 2004
The Billion Dollar Game : Behind the Scenes of the Greatest Day in American Sport Super Bowl Sunday. GV956.2 S8 S7 2009
The Ultimate Super Bowl Book. GV956.2 S8 M36 2009
Wednesday, February 01, 2012
Power to the People
Media specialists and other library supporters made their voices heard on an online petition asking the Obama Administration to make school libraries a national priority. Read more about this grassroots activism at School Library Journal.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Overdue? You May Get a Visit from the Library Police

Thursday, January 05, 2012
Spring Semester 2012 is HERE!!