Stop by any one of several TV monitors in the corridors showing the matches.
Or come by the Library to read what Vanity Fair, Sports Illustrated, and the daily national and weekly world newspapers (such as the Sunday Times or El Pais) have to say.
The Alexandria Library collection of over 90,000 items is supplemented by access to materials at the other five NVCC campuses. We also subscribe to over 200 electronic databases, with access to thousands of online journals. There are over 296,000 items in the total college collection. Find Us. Find It. Find Out.
New carpet, new chairs!
(It finally happened! The re-carpeting project drove Matt and Sylvia up a tree)
(above: the Circulating collection back on the shelves. So do the books go on the shelves from left to right or from right to left? If in doubt, do it both ways!!)
(above: not everything got put back in quite the right place...)
(above: and not everything got put back in quite the right order)
Library staff are working hard to get the Library re-opened by Monday June 7th.
(above: the "living room" furniture, back in the living room, but not yet in place)