(above: chairs, chairs, chairs!)
The Alexandria Library collection of over 90,000 items is supplemented by access to materials at the other five NVCC campuses. We also subscribe to over 200 electronic databases, with access to thousands of online journals. There are over 296,000 items in the total college collection. Find Us. Find It. Find Out.
(above: chairs, chairs, chairs!)
Friday's challenge was numbering the shelves so the books (which are in all those numbered crates (see below) can be reshelvd in order.
All together: ONE shelf, TWO shelves, THREE shelves...
This post was brought to you by the number 2001. Or 2012. Or 2043. Which is maybe how many shelves there are in the circulating collection.
Guess the name of the pattern:
A) Belly Flop
B) Belly Dancer
C) Dance Party
D) Party Crasher
Some Library services continue to be available in Room 234.
Stop by and see us.
In order for the old carpet to be removed and the new carpet laid, the Library will CLOSE on Tuesday 11 May. For safety reasons, the Library will remain closed until the project is completed.
Beginning May 17, limited Library services (reserves, research assistance, hold removal, and intercampus loan pick up) will be available in Bisdorf Room 234 -- right across the hall from the Library's main entrance.
Check this space for updates. Or visit the Library Homepage. Or stop by Room 232 -- there will be signs posted on the front doors with new information as we have it.
Thanks for your patience.