The Alexandria Library collection of over 90,000 items is supplemented by access to materials at the other five NVCC campuses. We also subscribe to over 200 electronic databases, with access to thousands of online journals. There are over 296,000 items in the total college collection. Find Us. Find It. Find Out.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Alexandria Campus Closes for Winter Break

Monday, December 20, 2010
Extended Hours

And many thanks to the Student Government Association for providing a selection of healthy snacks!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Happy Holidays!!

Wednesday, December 08, 2010
Open EARLY - Open LATE
The Alexandria Campus Library continues its tradition of keeping extended hours for the last week of classes and final exams, opening half an hour early each morning and staying open an hour later each evening.

Monday, December 06, 2010
Need a Textbook? Rent one!
Beginning in January, 2011, the campus bookstores at NOVA will begin renting textbooks.
This innovative textbook rental program will allow students to rent their textbooks for less than 50% of the cost of purchasing a new printed textbook. Plus, as an added convenience, students will be able to rent their books either in the store or from the store’s website www.nvcc.bncollege.com
Other program features include:
Students can pay the rental fees using any form of tender currently accepted by the bookstore (excluding PayPal) – including student financial aid and campus debit cards. (Note: For security purposes, a valid credit card must also be provided regardless of the tender used for the rental fee.)
Students can highlight or mark the rented books just as they would if they purchased a book and planned to sell it back to the bookstore.
Students can convert their rental to a purchase during the first two weeks of class.
The rental period is for the duration of the term/semester. Books are due back by the last day of finals. Students can return books in person or mail them to the bookstore.
Courtesy emails will go out as the end of the term/semester approaches reminding students to return their books. Books not returned (or returned in unusable condition) will be subject to replacement and processing fees.

Most Textbooks used for classes at the Alexandria Campus can also be borrowed, free of charge, from the Reserve Collection at the Alexandria Campus Library.
Note that most Reserve items are available for a 2-hour loan, and carry a $2/ hour fnie for late returns.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Veterans Day
November 11th is also known as Rememberance Day in Britain, Canada, and Australia -- marking the armistice that ended World War I on 11-11-1918.

Monday, November 08, 2010
Students and Faculty love Library Instruction!
Wednesday, November 03, 2010
Over 10,000 served

Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Hail to the Chief
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Virginia Library Association Conference
Highlights include:
* Offers something for everyone - at a reasonable cost!
* Ballroom dancing at the social - including free lessons!
* Grand opening of Exhibits to feature Porte Towne Magic Jazz Band (comprised of Portsmouth students!)
* Jefferson Cup Luncheon (Award Recipient TBA)
*Special screening of "Hollywood Librarian"
*VLACRL's "Conference within a Conference"

Friday, October 08, 2010
Library Use Continues to Grow
A few numbers:
1,141,491 -- number of searches made in the online Library catalog
1,596,834 -- number of connections to VCCS e-resources
2,513,890 -- number of full-text articles downloaded
Use of e-resources has increased by over 70% in three years.
Some more stats to ponder:
At the Alexandria Campus regulalry circulates nearly 1/3 (33%) of the college total. Use of circulating books at the Alexandria campus is increasing.
Wednesday, October 06, 2010
Alexandria Campus Library - on the Nightly News

Reference and Instruction Librarian Anne Anderson (above) was caught in action -- teaching research skills to an ESL 42 class. Don't miss her at 1:24 and again at 2:00 on the video. Professors Brian Delaney and Jill Biden, as well as Dean Jimmie McClellen also make appearances.
Tuesday, October 05, 2010
Community College Summit at the White House
A crowd of about 150 is expected to attend the event, the first-ever White House Summit on Community Colleges, which is scheduled to last about three hours. President Obama is scheduled to make remarks, as is Jill Biden, a community-college instructor and the summit's lead organizer." -- from the Chronicle of Higher Education (read more from on-campus).
(photo from the Washington Post).
And from the Washington Post: "Obama put Jill Biden, the wife of Vice President Joe Biden, in charge of the summit. She has taught English at community colleges for the past 17 years of her three decades as an educator. She still teaches twice a week at a community college not far from the White House and often says these schools are America's best-kept secret."Watch the opening session on C-SPAN.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Libraries will Survive
Libraries Will Survive.
And these talented librarians are now famous, even appearing on the local news.

Friday, September 24, 2010
Will The Internet Kill Magazines?

Friday, September 17, 2010
Celebrate US Constitution Day

Celebrate by reading a good book about the US Constitution:
Barnett, Randy. Restoring the Lost Constitution. KF4541 .B313 2004
Constitution of the United States: Analysis and Interpretation. Reference--KF4527 .U54 1996
Lane, Eric. The Genius of America: How the Constitution Saved our Country and Why it Can Again. KF4541 .L334x 2007
Levy, Leonard. Original Intent and the Framer's Constitution. KF4550 .L48 1988
Lipsky, Seth. The Citizen's Constitution: An Annotated Guide. KF4550.Z9 L57 2009
Sunstein, Cass. A Constitution of Many Minds: Why the Founding Document Doesn't Mean what it Meant Before. KF4552 .S86 2009
Or watch a video:
The Amendments to the Constitution vols 1 - 20. DVD KF4557 A44x 2008
Or watch a video online: Amending the Constitution.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Textbooks are so expensive!!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010
eBooks and eVideos

Thursday, August 12, 2010
Older Magazines & Journals: Now Online!
(above: old periodicals and storage boxes are removed from the upper level).
The Library will continue to maintain limited runs of periodical back-files for browsing.
Space saved in the periodical section will be used to add student seating, study space and carrels suitable for use with laptop computers.
Thursday, July 08, 2010
The Yellow Boxes Are Following Me!
These appear to be the exact same yellow crates that held the collection of the Alexandria Campus Library during the recent recarpeting (see below for pictures and descriptions of the Library carpeting and asbestos abatement project).
Friday, June 18, 2010
The Beautiful Game

Stop by any one of several TV monitors in the corridors showing the matches.
Or come by the Library to read what Vanity Fair, Sports Illustrated, and the daily national and weekly world newspapers (such as the Sunday Times or El Pais) have to say.
Monday, June 07, 2010
Library Opens for Business
And We're Back
New carpet, new chairs!
Friday, June 04, 2010
We Didn't Learn This in Graduate School!

(It finally happened! The re-carpeting project drove Matt and Sylvia up a tree)
More New Stuff!
(above and below: each Group Study Room has a new table and new chairs. The rooms also have dry-erase white boards)
Thursday, June 03, 2010
Moving In: Moving Pains
(above: moving the Circulating collection back to the shelves. Many of the books had been stored on these large rolling book trucks for the duration)
(above: the Circulating collection back on the shelves. So do the books go on the shelves from left to right or from right to left? If in doubt, do it both ways!!)
(above: not everything got put back in quite the right place...)
(above: and not everything got put back in quite the right order)
Library staff are working hard to get the Library re-opened by Monday June 7th.
Moving Back In
(above: the Circulation Desk, back in place. Note the empty reserve shelves and the new tile floor)
(above: the "living room" furniture, back in the living room, but not yet in place)
Tuesday, June 01, 2010
Carpeting is done!
(above: books in crates and on carts, getting ready to go back on the shelves)
(above: the librarians moving back into their office)
Friday, May 28, 2010
Progress -- the home stretch!

(above: chairs, chairs, chairs!)