Visit the Virtual Wall here: http://go.footnote.com/thewall
To read more about the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, visit the National Parks Service Website:
"Deliberately setting aside the controversies of the war, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial honors the men and women who served when their Nation called upon them. The designer, Maya Lin, felt that “the politics had eclipsed the veterans, their service and their lives.” She kept the design elegantly simple to “allow everyone to respond and remember.” -- NPS
Or read about the Wall in one of the Library's many books on the subject:

Morrissey, Thomas. Between The Lines: Photographs From The National Vietnam Veterans Memorial. DS559.83 W18 M67
All The Unsung Heroes: The Story Of The Vietnam Veterans Memorial. VHS DS559.83.W18 A45x 1990

Katakis, Michael. The Vietnam Veterans Memorial. DS559.83.W18 K37 1988