The Alexandria Library collection of over 90,000 items is supplemented by access to materials at the other five NVCC campuses. We also subscribe to over 200 electronic databases, with access to thousands of online journals. There are over 296,000 items in the total college collection. Find Us. Find It. Find Out.
Friday, August 31, 2007
Why isn't Labor Day on May 1st?

Thursday, August 30, 2007
NOVA Libraries storm the Blogsphere

If you're in the mood for blogging, don't miss the Alexandria Campus blogs!
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Computers, computers and MORE computers
The Library has 50 networked computers available. Where are they? In addition to the computers in the main part of the Library, you will find MORE computers in CyberSpace and even more behind the stairs.
Are all the Library computers in use? If you have a lap-top, you can use free Wi Fi in the Library (just as at the Reference or Circulation desk for directions on how to configure your computer to interact with the College's security system. Or visit the IT Help Desk Page).
There are also carrels on the upper level of the Library with network cables -- just plug in!
There are additional network jacks around the perimeter of the Library (near the windows) where you can plug in. Ask at the Circulation Desk if you need to borrow a network cord.
Where else can you find computers on campus? The main computer lab (The Open Computer Center, or OCC) on campus is located in Room 155, on the lower level of the Bisdorf Building, past the cafeteria. The OCC has many additional computers as well as technical assistance.
Need help with research? Come into the Library! Our computers are set up primarily for research purposes, and will provide access to the Library Catalog, articles and e-books. Although the Library computers support many applications, including email, MicroSoft Office, and web browsing, they are designed primarily for research and may not support every application you may need. Because the library computers are accessible to the public as well as students, we also have a good bit of computer-security in place.
Remember when using the Library computers that they are publicly-accessible research workstations. Save your work often! Once it's gone, there's no way to retrieve a document from a public computer!
Need technical help? The Library staff are here to help you conduct research. While we try to help with MS Office, internet and registration questions, you may need to visit another campus office to find specific kinds of computer assistance:
Need help with MS Office or other software applications? Visit the OCC in Room 155. OCC staff are welcoming and helpful, technically proficient in a wide-range of software applications and even speak many different languages!
Need help with registration? To get help applying to the College, registering for classes, adding, dropping, or swapping classes, visit the Student Services Center in Bisdorf room 229.
Need help with financial aid? For help applying for financial aid, visit the Financial Aid office in Bisdorf Room 232 (next door to the Counseling Office).
If you need assistance using the Library, conducting research, finding sources for your classes, tracking down a text-book, or citing sources, stop by the Library today!
Friday, August 24, 2007
Reserve books are located behind the Circulation Desk, just inside the front doors. Ask if your text books are on Reserve. If they are not, you can ask your instructor to place a copy of the text book on Reserve.
Where do Reserve books come from? Most of them come from the faculty members, who place materials on Reserve that support their classes. Some Reserve books are purchased by the Library in response to high demand.
Who decides if Reserve books can be checked out? The faculty. Individual professors decide whether Reserve items can be checked out, and if so for how long. Some Reserve books are the personal property of the faculty. Library staff comply with faculty wishes for Reserves.
Why do Reserve items have so many restrictions? Because so many students need to use them! The Reserve policies are in place to make items accessible to as many students as possible. Remember, however badly you need a Reserve book, there are many many other students who need it just as badly. Please be considerate of other students' needs when using Reserve Books. Return them on time and do not remove them from the Library.
What if Reserve books are returned late? In most cases a fine of $1 per day applies. A hold will also be placed on the student record of anyone not returning a Reserve book, which will block student registration, grades or transcripts until Reserve materials are returned.
Taking a placement test? The preparation book for the placement test, Chart Your Success on the Compass is on Reserve for students to check out for one week. Although the Library owns 50 copies of the Compass book, there are hundreds of students needing to take the placement test who want to use it. The Compass books are in almost constant circulation, especially around the beginning of the semester. If one is not available, check back often.
What happened to the Solution Manuals for the Calculus text? The Math Department faculty removed them. Sorry!
Don't see a book on Reserve you think we should have? Let us know!!
Have a great semester.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Welcome to the Arlington Center Library!
The new Coordinator of Library Services at Arlinton is David Anderson.
Above: The first EVER check-out at the Arlington Center Library! [left, Arlington Center Student Bassem Nammari. Right, Coordinator of Library Services David Anderson]
Visit the Arlington Center Library today!
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Welcome Back!
If you are returning to NOVA, make sure you stop by the Library and check out the changes over the summer.
If you are new to NOVA, WELCOME! We'd like YOU to stop by the Library TODAY and find out about our resources and services, some of which include:
- over 60,000 books and videos
- over 200 article databases (FREE articles online!)
- free Wi-Fi in the library
- wired carrels to plug in your laptop
- 50 networked computer workstations with access to Library resources, MicroSoft Office, email, printing and more
- help with research -- there's more to it than Google!
- help with Google -- ok, if you must, did you know you there's more to Google than the basic search page?
- tour the library -- 15-minute MINI tours are offered every day in the first two weeks of classes
- Feature Films: check out our growing collection of classic, contemporary and international DVDs
- Popular Reading: need a break from Calculus Homework? Visit our ever-changing collection of best-sellers and other popular fiction and non-fiction titles on the upper level
- Need a place to relax? We have sofas and a wide selection of magazines upstairs
- Need a place to study? Hint: it's quiet on the upper level of the library and there's a great view!
- Need a place to study with a group? Find our Group Study Room behind CyberSpace
- What's CyperSpace? 24 networked computers with printing
Please be courteous to other library users: silence your cell phones.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
What have we been up to all summer?
Come and check out all the new and improved features of YOUR Alexandria Campus Library!