Summertime saw some exciting changes at Your Alexandria Campus Library.
Our Computers Got Smart!
For the first time, all 44 computers in the Library now offer a full-range of computing services. All of our computers are equipped with the Microsoft Office suite (word processing, PowerPoint presentations, spread sheets!), disc drives are enabled, and email is available on all stations. All the computers are networked to a printer (10 cents per page for students). And, of course, all of the computers will still serve all of your research needs. Come to the Library to access vast electronic resources, find full-text articles, search the catalog for books, read reference books online, and search the World Wide Web.
We redecorated!

Notice anything different? We broke out of institutional off-white and brought some color into Your Library. Check out our new color scheme in the entrance and career area of the Library.
New Furniture in the Library Classroom!

The Library Classroom (Bisdorf Room 327) got a facelift as well. A new paint job, brand new computer desks, and a new Electronic Instruction system will enhance library classes, research instruction, Student Develpoment Workshops, and LBR110 classes.
Study in Style!

You'll find new, sturdy, study carrels on the Library's main level providing convenient, comfortable study space. Also check out the DVD and VHS players, which also got a face-lift and brand new carrels to make viewing and listening more inviting.
Study in Comfort!

Go upstairs and give our new chairs a test-drive (a test-sit?). These chairs have specially angled bottom rungs to allow for a variety of sitting positions. Study longer, study better, in the Library's improved study spaces.
New Books, New Videos, New Databases!
Your Library is constantly expanding its collection of books, magazines, videos, and electronic resources. All summer the Library Staff have been working hard acquiring new books to support research at the Campus. Check out some of our new titles:
We've also added some cool new databases to our existing collection of over 200 electronic resources. Check out ArtSTOR to find full-color fine-art images. Find full-text newspaper articles from the Washington Post and the New York Times dating all the way back to the 1850s! Find full-text encylopedias in Oxford Reference Online. Or find hundreds of thousands of full text articles online:
Don't miss the Library's growing collection of Feature Films, on VHS and DVD -- including classics, foreign language films, and award winners, and international titles.
Stop into YOUR Library soon. Check out our new additions. Take advantage of our continuing commitment to assisting students, faculty and staff to succeed here at NOVA. Find one of our Librarians to help you with research or coursework.
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