"How are we doing?" That was the question the Alexandria Campus Library asked over 120 students in a survey of library services and collections conducted in conjunction with National Library Week.
What did our library users have to say?
Over 90% of Library users come to the Library for study or research. Large numbers also came to the library to check email or use NovaConnect to register for classes. And we were pleased to see some students even come to the library for leisure reading (don't miss our New Books, Magazine section, and paperback collection!).
Over 90% of survey respondents rated "Help from a Librarian" as good or excellent, and over 90% rated "Borrowing Services" as good or excellent.
Comments included very positive notice of the staff. Some examples:
"The staff is quite knowledgeable about what they have"; "Excellent staff support"; Helpful Staff"; "I think this library is great as well as the staff."Thanks!
What could the library do better?
Students asked for
more computers, more group study space, and more new books!
We hear you! Library staff are investigating ways to increase the number of computer terminals in the public spaces. In the summer of 2005, the Library installed new shelving to accomodate our growing collection, and check the New Book display for new titles arriving all the time. There is a small group study area behind Cyber Space. If that is unavailable, ask a librarian for recommendations for additional areas on campus where groups can study.
And stay tuned for more improvements to YOUR campus library.
Thanks to everyone who filled in a survey -- for all the generous as well as constructive comments, and especially to the student who suggested that "
the library needs more funds" and noted "
there is a definite need for more staff".