Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Library Book Sale at the Fall Festival

On Monday, September 26th 2005 the Alexandria Campus enjoyed yet another Fall Festival. This year, for the first time, the Alexandria Campus Library held a Book Sale in conjunction with Fall Festival. The Library Table was the scene of fast and furious commerce throughout the day, during which paperback novels, textbooks, National Geographic magazines, foreign language books and more were sold. At the conclusion of the sale, the library yielded $175.00, all of which will go to support the library materials budget. All books sold were donations to the library. The library accepts all donations, adding to the collection those titles that support the College curriculum and are suitable for our users. Titles not deemed suitable for addition to the collection are sold in the library Book Sale. In addition to the popular library Book Sale at Fall Festival (which we hope will be the first of an annual Fall Festival Book Sale!), the library runs a continuous Book Sale from a specially-designated space just inside the front doors. If you missed the Fall Festival Book Sale, check out the ongoing sale inside the library!

(pictured: L: Matt Todd, Collection Development Librarian. R: Sylvia Rortvedt, Associate Director)

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Bloomin' Cactus!

The library's Cereus peruvianus has bloomed again! Our impressive 20-foot tall cactus came out in a stunning nocturnal display with 5 buds. Unfortunately, they only bloom at night, and each bud opens for only one night!

LRS Staff Present at Peer Group

Alexandria Learning Resources Services staff joined colleagues from across the Commonwealth for the LRS Peer Group in Roanoke on 8 and 9 September. Among the presenters were (back row, l-r) Bruce Carroll, Jean Hogan, Sylvia Rortvedt, Angela Franklin, Laura Franklin; (front row, l-r) Matt Todd, David Williams (Chair of the Peer Group Committee), and Cate Keaser.

Read more about it in the September 30th Edition of the Intercom:


Wednesday, September 14, 2005

The Library Celebrates Constitution Day!

Constitution Day is September 16th:


The Library marks the day with a display of books discussing the development, interpretation, and history of the U.S. Constitution.


The NVCC Television Center also makes available two excellent programs on the Constitution that you can access and watch on your own computer through video on demand. (A broadband connection is required.)

THE CONSTITUTION: THAT DELICATE BALANCE - Constitutional issues come to life in this Emmy Award-winning series. Key political, legal, and media professionals engage in spontaneous and heated debates on controversial issues such as campaign spending, the right to die, school prayer, and immigration reform. This series will deepen understanding of the life and power of this enduring document and its impact on history and current affairs, while bringing biases and misconceptions to light. Produced by Columbia University Seminars on Media and Society.

DEMOCRACY IN AMERICA – This series covers The Civics Framework for the National Assessment of Educational Progress developed by the U.S. Department of Education. The 15 half-hour video programs, hosted by national television correspondent Renée Poussaint, were produced by the Educational Film Center.

Both series are available through the NVCC Television Center Web site at http://www.nvcc.edu/tvcenter. Look under Program Information for the Annenberg Programs. Complete program listings and information on accessing these Video on Demand Programs are included with the listings.